What to expect on your visit
We have parking available in the front, side, and rear of our building. You can also park in the front of the gymnastics center next door.
Entrances are located on the west side of the building. Come on in, grab a cup of coffee from our hospitality team. Feel free to bring the coffee with you into our gathering. Make sure you stop by our First Time Guest kiosk for your free gift!
Crossroads Kids
All of our volunteers in Crossroads Kids have completed a rigorous background check and completed training to keep your children safe. If you have children, we recommend you arrive a few minutes early to get checked in to our Nursery, Toddler, Preschool, or Elementary areas. Visit the Crossroads Kids page for more information!
Our gathering lasts about one hour. Service times are 9:30 and 11:00 AM.
Our band rocks! Many of us sing along to the songs they sing. We call this worshipping. You are invited to join in and sing, but you don't have to. You are welcome to just sit and observe as well. Feel free to do whatever is most comfortable for you.