COTC Family!! Great news…We are going to begin gathering again on Sunday mornings
beginning July 19 at Mount Washington Elementary School! Can’t wait! Service times will remain the same…9:30am and 11:15am.

In order to re-gather, here are some details and some guidelines for you to know as you plan to return:
Children: for now we will offer programming and childcare for infants through 1 st grade.
Those children going into 2nd thru 5th grade will need to sit with parents in the main
auditorium. This will be how we operate until schooll begins and at that point we hope
to fully return to all KIDS programming. We will do our best to engage the kids with
sermon bingo, maybe have them read the scripture from the stage, and include songs
they may know.
Middle School: there will also be no middle school program on Sunday mornings.
50% capacity is all we can host at this point which means a maximum of 300 persons can
attend each service. This will mean some of us might need to adjust and attend the
11:15am service to create safe space for everyone.
Lobby: We will not be serving doughnuts or coffee for a while and we will discourage
lingering groups in the lobby. We want to promote community and fellowship but at this
point it will need to occur outside.
Temperature thermometer: we will have thermometers and will take everyone’s
temperature before they enter the building. We don’t like that we need to do this but
we want to take precaution and do our part to ensure everyone’s safety.
Masks and Social Distancing: All volunteers will be required to wear masks. Everyone
else will be left to their own discretion. We will not require masks for everyone but do
ask they everyone take precautions with keeping a wise distance from others.
Courtesy: keep in mind that some of us who are attending will remain extra-cautious
and some of us will not. No one is wrong in their opinion. No one will be looked upon
with contempt either way. But, please let’s be respectful of one another through this
transition. Remember we have people with low immune systems and people who are
more susceptible to the virus. Be wise!
Disinfecting: between services we will disinfect all areas with a sprayer provided by the
school. The gym, kids areas, lobby and bathrooms will be disinfected in preparation for
the 11:15am service.
If you still do not feel ready or comfortable to return at this point for health reasons, we
completely understand. We miss you but we don’t want you to put yourself at risk. The Sunday service will be recorded and put on our YouTube channel by Tuesday each week so you can keep up with the sermon series.
Again, I’m looking forward to getting back to some sort of normal and to seeing everyone! For those who are willing and able…see you soon! See you Sunday, July 19!!!
God bless,
John Parkey