Welcome Back COTC! As we return to in-person services, we want to make you aware of some of the procedures we will be taking to keep you safe.

1. We are asking that everyone register for the service they plan to attend. If you have a child between 6 weeks and 1st grade, you can register them for childcare as well. With capacity restrictions, you registering your family helps us plan accordingly. You can register on the ChurchCenter app or in the announcements section at cotcky.org
2. Masks will be required for anyone 5 and older per the Governor’s mandate. If you forget your mask at home, don’t worry. We will have extras on site.
3. Before entering Mount Washington Elementary School, all guests, volunteers, and staff will be screened for fever. Any temperature higher than 100.4 will not be allowed to enter. We also ask that if you, or someone in your family group has shown any COVID 19 symptoms in the last 48 hours, you stay home.
4. Social distancing is key! Please leave at least 6 feet between yourself and other family groups when at all possible. This includes high traffic areas like kids drop-off and pick-up, the main lobby, and the gym.
5. Parents, we ask that only one adult enter the Kids areas during check-in and pick-up. This will make it easier to keep adequate space during family groups between our busier times.
6. To promote social distancing, we are asking that you do not congregate in the lobby before and after service. We do encourage you to visit with each other outside! Enjoy the fresh air and fellowship with one another.
7. We will be providing communion. For safety, we will now be using prepackaged communion. Please take yours with you to your seat as you enter the gym. You can leave it under your chair until the designated time.
8. In the gym, we ask that family groups leave two seats between themselves.
9. After service, feel free to exit via the most convenient door. We are asking that people fellowship outside so we have time to sanitize the gym and children’s areas.
We know this looks a lot different from how we left things in March. We wish we could just open the doors and shake everyone’s hand like we always have. But in times like these, we have to take every precaution to protect our community. Thank you for being understanding as we work through this together. We cannot wait to worship with you Sunday!