One thing that I think defines Church of the Crossroads is our vulnerability and authenticity(I’m not bragging here, I’m just thinking out loud). We don’t pretend we have it all together. Thank God for that, because I’m not sure I would fit in well at a place where everyone did have it all together, if a place like that even existed.
One thing we say and encourage often is “keep it real,” meaning you don’t have to cover up or pretend to be in a better place than you actually are. We say that often but it’s really tough to do. Being honest about yourself, your pain, your sin and your shame, can stir up fear because of possible rejection or abandonment. No one wants to add to their pain by sharing it, then getting the cold shoulder.
What we’re learning as a church is that God already knows everything about us, good and bad. And, despite the bad, still shows up. In fact, it’s because of the bad, the sin and the shame, that He sends Jesus to love, redeem and save us. That’s huge! In response to that kind of love, we are learning a new sturdy kind of love. We believe that the more vulnerable you are and the more you share with us the ‘real’ version of you, the more you will be loved. The more we know about you, the more we can lean into you because now we know what you need. Jesus leaned into us and love us even though we were messed up and that’s how we desire to love as well.
There is no one too far gone, too messed up, to broken, or too sinful for God. There is hope for everyone and we want to share that hope!!
With all of that, this Sunday is one that I’ve been looking forward to for months now! I am as excited about this Sunday’s gathering at Church of the Crossroads as I’ve been about any Sunday morning in my years of ministry. This week we are going to be as honest and vulnerable as we possibly can be. We are going to air out and share our Dirty Laundry. We are going to let you in our dirty little secrets, dirty little pasts and the dirty little details with uninhibited honesty. You will find out just how broken, screwed up, and sinful we really are. As we share, it’s gonna be a little uncomfortable and some of our stories are gonna be hard to hear, just to be honest.
But we want to share our stories because we want you to know that you are not alone in brokenness and shame. We want to help you be set free from your silent pain. We want you to know that you can be loved, that you are lovable, and you are worth it! Ultimately, we want you to hear and know there is hope for you! As screwed up and dark as our stories might be, there is One who has begun to write a new chapter in our lives. One who underscores and overrides our story, now, with peace, joy and abundant life. One who has broken our chains, is healing our wounds, is mending our lives, is pushing back the darkness and shame so that we can wholly live again. As we share our Dirty Laundry, we hope you also begin to understand the power of the cross of Jesus. He’s our hero!
So, if you need to hear some honest confession, some real stories of struggle, addiction, loss, failure and rebellion…I just want to encourage you to sit with us for this one Sunday and hear how jacked up we are. My hope for you is that somehow, in some way, this one Sunday will be encouragement you need. My hope is this becomes the moment for you, the inspiration you need to walk in freedom, and peace, joy and the hope found in the power of ultimate forgiveness.
This Sunday, March 1 at Church of the Crossroads. Service times are 9:30am and 11:15am at Mt Washington Elem School. See you there!
John Parkey
Lead Pastor